jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

A "mom-present-style"

When is about presents there's no one that actually comes immediately to my mind, I'm not really good with presents, at least not for myself, I like to give presents, but is always weird when people gave them to me, the situation makes me feel anxious because I feel that people expect something in return and I'm a mess dealing with that kind of pressure, I'm sorry this seems more like therapy than a gift-talk, but it helps to clear my mind until find a good present experience to share.
If I have to talk about a present I'll go a little nerd and mention mu birthday present on 2010 (six years ago.... Wow) I was on third year of "enseñanza media" that year, I wasn't living with my mom because the earthquake hit us really hard and we lost our house and also my school was destroyed (other story, for another time maybe) so I moved to Valparaiso so I could finish at least that year in a more "normal way". So I was away from she, was a weird year, but even in the hard times, she always encourage me to keep going and try hard for my goals, one of them, was to be able to get into this University, on the career I wanted, so she sent me by mail box, a study book for the History PSU, and told me that was a present for my future. I was expecting money to be honest, but that was something so.... "Mom style" that when I opened the box, and read the letter, I get so emotional I started to cry AHAHAHAHA.
I liked it because it was useful, we couldn't afford to pay extra classes or a particular school so it was everything in my hands, on the determination I had, and the time I would spent to achieve that goal.
It went well (I'm here now, hi!) so the book is now in hands of my little brother. Not sure if he's gonna use it or not, but I think is in good hands.

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