jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

The first one

I'm still not sure how to fill this lines without say something I don't really want to share, but I need to write, because there's a space to fill, a task to fulfill.
Without thinking, without calculation, I think that this -being the last year of my undergrad studies- should mean something and give me some ideas about what to share, but it's still hard.
I should give some advice, maybe some encouragement, but I'm no one to say such a words. Things are always hard, the competition, the harsh people and the pressure has been a pain in the ass throughout the years, people take the experiences and problems in different ways, so there's no magic spell to go against that kind of stuff. Maybe just be clear about what you want to reach, and keep fighting.
Man, I'm pretty sure I'm still far of the minimum of words but I'm already troubled about writing, this is not my strong point, I've been writing fan fictions for long time but I think this is not the place to share them, so I'll keep that to myself (spoiler: lies, if you want to talk about fandoms please talk to me, I'm a huge nerd).
Maybe next entry I will talk about anime or movies, is more interesting than myself, ejejeje.
See y'all in next entry.

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